my stuff

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Small Group Winter Retreat 2009

I had a *very* good weekend! I went to Lake Winnsepsake with Cafe small group. It was sooo much fun! It was good to get away from the ho-hum of everyday life. Esp Mom! Matt picked me up in Beverly at 6:30ish Friday night. I rode up with Matt, Brian, and Erin. Brian and Erin live in the city. Matt lives in the north end. He picked them up first then drove to Beverly to pick me up.
Matt had asked me to send him my address last week cause he has as GPS device in his car. GPS doesn't really recongnize my address cause it's very distinct. GPS directed Matt to my street just the wrong condo!
I laughed so much on the ride up to New Hampshire, my sides were litarlly hurting! Brian has a very witty sense of humor. I even did my scream laugh ! I don't do this often. The last time I did scream laugh was oh, back when I was dating John. I think Caleb got me to do scream laugh as well but that doesn't count.
Matt, Brian, Erin, and I stopped at a cafe to get dinner. They haven't really eaten yet. Matt took a picture of me doing my scream laugh with my camera. I want to update my profile picture on Facebook with the picture of me laughing. I'll do this as soon as my stepdad gives me a cable for my camera so I can upload my pics.
We all got to Camp Brookwood (the camp Park Street uses for retreats). I had been to this camp years ago when I used to go Real Life ( the college fellowship group in Boston that still meets at Harvard). In those days Real Life took coach buses to Camp Brookwood. I heard they did this back then cause not as many people came on that retreat.
My stepdad registered me online. I registered late. I'll remember to register early for the summer retreat in August. So... afer dinner, Matt, Brian, Erin, and I continued on. We got to the camp late. We registered at the Deer Run lodge. Erin and I were in the same cabin. Matt drove us to our cabin to put our stuff away. He and Brian stayed in the cabin next door.
I stayed up late this weekend. Saturday was fun. Lots to do. I went tubing for my winter activity, jornaled in front of a fireplace, formal dinner for Cafe Saturday night, a skit show called American Idolarty- with judges as well! Small groups, talked with friends, met new people. It was good to get away. Very relaxing. I wish it was for a week not a weekend!
I guess there was a snowstorm in northern New England Sunday night. We heard that the storm would start around noon. It was just rain at that time but I heard it did snow overnight. Matt wanted to leave for Boston early due to the weather. We ate lunch then left. Once we were in Boston, Matt dropped Erin off at Park Street. She works with one of the kids' groups. Matt and Brian drove me to Christina's. I called Matt on the way into Boston. Matt told me that they were leaving Cambridge.They saw a play but it was just one act. They didn't go out to eat afterwards. Matt and Brian dropped me off. Matt live parked his car on the corner. Brian stayed with the car in case a cop shows up.
Matt met my stepdad Matt and Mom, and Christina breifly. I walked him to the unit door and said bye. I might see him tonight. I'll see Erin. She told me she'll be at Cafe. I was sooo tired Sunday from staying up late this past weekend. Normally, Sunday nights I sleep on the couch cause Mom suffurs from sleep ampmia. She snores so loud! I was so tired, I didn't hear her at all! Last night I was more alert. I slept on the couch.
Tonight Mom, Matt, and I are staying in town cause Matt has to take Christina to an appointment tomrorow. Woo hoo! I can stay out late. I won't stay out too late. Most people leave Kenndy's around 11ish but I won't be surprised if those who went on the retreat leave earlier.


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