my stuff

Saturday, February 07, 2009

What a week

What a week! I've been going practically non stop! Monday night, I was in Boston, as usual we had to commute back to Christina's then I went shopping. We ended up staying in town Tuesday and Wednesday night. I think we even stayed overnight Thursday. It looks like Mary is off the radar. Mom, Matt, and I will probably take turns staying in Boston until we move Christina to Beverly to live with us. Mom thinks this will happen soon. I don't know exactly when it will happen but I agree it will happen soon.

The opera was okay. Mom and I ate dinner at the bar before going to the concert. Neither of us really wanted to see the opera so we took our time eating dinner and stuff. Matt had dropped us off at the theater and picked up Christina. They didn't eat- they came directly to the theater. We went to Uno's afterwards. The opera wasn't very long like the last one we saw. Uno's was open. Matt got dinner. Christina got a salad. Matt tried to suggest things for her to eat but she only wanted a salad.

Thursday night, I was in town with Mom. I went to A Night of Non-Musical prayer and Worship. It was okay. It was cold outside that night which could be one of the reasons not many people showed up. A handfull of people showed up. I ended up writing for the hour or so. I saw my friend Brian there. He goes to MIT. I know that MIT students tend to focus thier studies on science and math- two of my worst subjects in school.

Last night there was a benefit concert at Park Street. It didn't occur to me to stay in town yesterday while Mom, Matt, and Christina went home. I came with them to the northshore only to commute back to Boston. I took the bus into town. I take two buses, one to Salem Depot from Beverly and a second bus from there to Haymarket station which isn' too bad cause I get to Park Street faster than taking the subway from North Station to Park Street.

The bus going to Salem Depot was late. I was meeting Rebecca, a friend I've met at Cafe over the fall. We had planned to meet at Starbucks in Downtown Crossings, get coffee and chat until 7:30ish to go to the concert. By the time I got to Park Street station and found my way to Starbucks I had enough time to just get coffee and chat for a few minutes. I guess Rebecca wanted to sit with me but we got separated from each other once we got to church.
The benefit concert was very good. A few people I know played music. Afterwards there was food- not food food but junk stuff, cookies, brownies, etc. I tried not to eat too much of that crap... I didn't eat a real dinner cause of the delayed commute and wasn't gonna gorge on cookies and all and call that dinner !
Fortunately, someone gave me fair trade bannannas. It was better than chocolate which I could've brought but said no. If I had brought chocolate I would've eaten it before I got my train home. Kevin, who I guess is one of the older adults who works at Park Street kicked all us young folks out by 10. During the week we have to leave by 9:30 tops. I usually go to Kenndy's with people anyway.
Oh, but Thursday night everyone who had come out to Park Street for the non-musical thing had left to go home or to bed or whatever cause most of them had to be up for work or school. I have neither right now so I went to Kenndy's to hang out. Mom had taken Christina to see some play at the Hunnington Theater that night. I knew the non-musical thing would get over way earlier than the play. If I'd gone back to Christina's apartment assuming Mom and Christina were home, I'd be out of luck, and would have to wait around in the cold until they finally did come back.
So, when I got to Kenndy's I didn't see anyone I knew. It was fairly crowded there, mostly college age students hanging out with friends. There was a Celtics game on... Celtics vs Lakers and of course LA beat us -again ! It was a very close game. The game was over by 11ish. I got back to Christina's place later. Mom was asleep when I came in. Facebook wasn't loading on Matt's computer. I had sat there and tried everything to get it to log on but nothing! By 2am I was like screw it! I'll try again tomorrow. It worked fine the next day.
So, last night, I wanted to buy food at McDonald's which happened to be still open that late. There was a line of people and only one person on the registers. Of course the food ran out quicker than if two people were working the registers! They offered ice cream for food but again- not a real dinner! I ate a bannanna on the train then cooked a mini pizza in at home.
I had to get up early today to go to driver's ed- the final class! No more having to get up early on Saturdays! I ended up going online for a few hours after I got home. I watched some of Letterman then decided to try out going online. For awhile I haven't been able to log online using my stepdad's computer cause he had screensaver security stuff on it which didn't allow me to log on. Lately, I've only been able to go online when I'm at Christina's. Now I can go online practically anytime!
This is a good thing. I can always keep in touch with friends but it can also be a bad thing which I found out how alluring Facebook can be late at night. Most people are online late cause of the school and work thing. Tonight, I can stay up as late as I want but within reason! I won't be online all night! I think a fair stopping time it 2am or so cause I get really tired at that hour. When I can't sleep right awway I'll go online and talk to a friend until I get tired! Who needs milk to help insomnia when you can log online and chat with a friend who lives 3,000 miles away from you physically but it's like they're talking with you on the phone, and live in the same town, if not the same state.
Needless to say, it was a bitch getting up today. I was sooo tired! I've been sitting at the computer for awhile tonight. I gotta take a break cause my joints are hurting me from sitting for so long. When you go online you lose track of time very easily.


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